Costa del Sol – Home English

Costa del Sol beach is a natural jewel located in the department of La Paz, in the central area of El Salvador.

Unlike the rock formations and cliffs that characterize the beaches of the east and west of the country, this area is surrounded by a beautiful valley, in which it is easy to see some of the most beautiful and majestic Salvadoran volcanoes, at whose feet there are seas. of undulating reeds and other local crops.

The Costa del Sol offers visitors a perfect combination of attractions that make it a world-class beach destination. If you are looking for a place to enjoy the sun from sunrise to sunset, an endless white sand beach, all types of accommodation, a wide sample of Salvadoran and international cuisine, and the additional attractions of being surrounded by an immense navigable estuary and waves To practice good surfing, this should be your choice.

This beach is 15 kilometers long, and in terms of surfing it is characterized by the sandbanks that form throughout the surf.

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